Compassion, Grace & Mercy

Signs You may be Struggling with Trauma



Learning mindful awareness of your thoughts and the actions you take will go far in helping you overcome trauma. For example, if you ever have reactions to things that shock you, such as going pale, having a rapid heartbeat, feeling unnatural fear, being lethargic, or being unable to focus and concentrate, it may be due to both recognized and unrecognized trauma.

What is Trauma?

When you think about what trauma consists of, you can see that trauma can be physical, emotional, or mental. For example, some people may experience something that causes them to feel distressed or disturbed, which can be referred to as trauma and a physical injury such as the damage a knife might cause a person.

However, trauma is usually how people refer to something that causes specifically an emotional response more than a physical response.

So, the trauma one might experience during a stabbing, for example, to their flesh, is not usually how one defines trauma. The trauma of the stabbing would also cause mental and emotional responses such as flashbacks, strained relationships, and physical reactions like nausea or headache.

We’re mostly talking about the second issue of trauma, even if a physical incident caused the trauma. To overcome your trauma, it’s important to figure out if you’re exhibiting signs of trauma and struggle. If you are, you can analyze the cause and find the solution to enable you to live your best life.

The 3 Trauma Types

There are three basic types of trauma which people experience.

  • Acute – This type of trauma happens based on one incident in your life. This might occur if you experience a mugging, car accident, or one horrific incident.
  • Chronic – This type of trauma happens based on repetitive and prolonged trauma such as experiencing an abusive childhood, marriage, a long-term kidnapping, or a horrible working situation.
  • Complex – This type of trauma happens when someone experiences multiple and varied traumatic events that are invasive and personal.

It’s imperative to understand how various things that happen to you during your lifetime can affect you, even if you do not realize they are. Everyone has experienced some form of trauma in their lifetime, but not everyone is affected the same way. How you get through the trauma you experience is most important here, but first, let us discuss how trauma impacts your life.


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