Compassion, Grace & Mercy

Welcome To The

Compassion, Grace & Mercy

A non-Profit Organization

Compassion, Grace & Mercy is a non-profit organization that aims to increase awareness about issues relating to mental health. We provide a forum for users to share their experiences about living with mental illness. We aim to encourage a collaborative and supportive resource for those living or affected by mental health issues to access. One of our goals is to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and to give people hope in their struggles with mental health issues.

Compassion, Grace & Mercy  serves three main purposes such as:

The first goal is to create continued awareness about mental health issues and reduce any stigma that may be associated.  It is our goal to reach the underserved population locally, nationally & internationally.

Our second goal is to provide trainings, seminars, workshops, webinars about the most up to day information on mental health issues.  These trainings are provided to organizations, groups, conferences and wherever there is a request.

Our third goal is to fundraise in order to meet the needs of the underserved population.    Fundraising is the primary way our organization accomplished their mission and is a n integral part of our organization.

Our first purpose involves there active and sustained engagements of raising awareness abut issues affecting people with mental health issues.  Through social media campaigns, the distribution of brochures, flyers and other literature, education and trainings.  We have conducted over 100 trainings to organizations to support the mental health of their staff, employees and managers as well as to individuals & groups.


Our second purpose is to provide continued education & trainings on the most up to date information on mental health issues such as:  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), Trauma informed care (TIC), depression, anxiety, PTSD, Covid19 and it’s impact on mental health as well as a plethora of other mental health topics.

Our third purpose involves fundraising to fund the awareness initiatives.   The remainder of our funds will be donated to registered charities that support mental health programs & awareness.

Our job is not to judge. Our job is not to decide if someone deserves something. Our job is to lift the fallen, to restore the broken, and to heal the hurting!

Core Values

Our focus is on quality of services through training, education and support through:

Mission statement
Compassion, Grace & Mercy is dedicated to enhancing mental health awareness, promote individual empowerment, support, educate, train, reducing stigma and increase knowledge of accessible treatment and services for persons living with mental health issues. Because not all wounds are visible, we are dedicated to healing the seen & unseen. We believe that mental health issues impact social issues; including spiritual, education, homelessness, and poverty.

Vision statement
Our vision is to provide culturally competent, holistic, and wellness focused training & consultation services that promote social, emotional, and spiritual, development while working to reduce the stigma around mental health issues while opening up the dialogue on issues that are effecting individuals & families. Internationally we imagine the world free of abuse, oppression and crimes committed against the vulnerable. We envision youth in the developing world having the chance to live up to their God-given potential by exercising their basic rights to access education while in pursuit of their dreams. We see youth as a chosen generation that GOD will use to bring about social change, justice and healing in many nations and communities around the world.