Compassion, Grace & Mercy

Developing a Winning Attitude Workbook



The greatest steps you take in life are those advancing you toward your potential. In order to do this, you must develop a winning attitude and monitor how your attitude influences your relationships, the people around you, your work performance, and happiness.

You make the choice to shape your perceptions. Within your control, is the power to see a glass as half full rather than believing it to be half empty. The world can be burning down around you, but it’s up to you to find the silver lining. That’s the key to all of your achievements – unlocking a winning attitude.

Using statements like I’m a positive person and I am confident I will find a solution in your daily life can have a major influence on your mood and attitude. A positive mindset and a winning attitude are things that you should be striving for. If you aren’t striving for optimism, then it’s something you need to work at. Just look at the company you keep.  This book will provide you with tools to help support a winning attitude.


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