Compassion, Grace & Mercy

101 Ways to Boost your Productivity



If we are being honest, it’s likely that every single one of us has wishes to be more productive. In one corner, you have the procrastinators, who find a way to put everything off until the last possible minute. Another corner has the most productive people ever.

In the two remaining corners, the rest of the world resides. Those who know how to get things done but get caught up in distractions. The people who want to be more productive than they already are, so that they can leave work at the door and enjoy their home life. It’s the majority of us.

There has been a really big focus in workplaces on doing more with less. Or, the other catchphrase: work smarter, not harder. The problem is, we all have more to do than we used to

You have more deadlines to meet and in half the time. You’re the one fielding phone calls, replying to emails, and planning the afternoon meetings. So, it’s easy to understand why so many of us are struggling to remain productive in the face of everything.


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