Compassion, Grace & Mercy


How to Practice Self-Care During COVID-19

Mental Health Self-Care Tips for Stress & Anxiety

Did you know, people with elevated levels of anxiety increased 314% from before the COVID-19 pandemic started. While elevated levels of depression increased 217%.

The pandemic has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for everyone of all ages. Especially those with any preexisting mental health conditions. Those accessing mental health services dropped by 53%.

It is more important than ever to take care of our mental health. This guide will give you some tips to remain calm and practice self-care to maintain your mental health.

How the Pandemic Affects You

The outbreak of COVID-19 can be very stressful and cause a lot of fear or anxiety. This fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and cause a lot of unfamiliar emotions for both adults and children.

Some common signs that stress or anxiety is having an impact:

  • Excessive fear or worry about your health and the health of loved ones
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Increase substance use (such as alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs)

Pay attention to your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions during this time. Being aware of any negative changes is critical to managing your mental health.

People with preexisting mental health conditions or substance abuse problems ay want to consider doing the following:

  • Continue with your existing treatment program/medication
  • Monitor your symptoms closely and be aware of any changes
  • Talk to your psychologist, therapist, or counselor for any advice
  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news stories and social media about the pandemic

There is a lot of misinformation being spread through social media and the internet. Avoid unfamiliar news and social media links.

Get the information directly from the source instead:

  • Medical Professionals within the Government
  • Airlines/Airport for flight information & cancellation
  • Local Shops (Grocery Stores/Pharmacies) for adjusted hours or closures
  • Local News for specific updates in your city/town

Take Care of Your Mental Health

It is important to maintain our mental health during this challenging time. We must continue to practice self-care to ensure our well-being.

Attention Diet

There is a lot of information out there covering the pandemic. By limiting our consumption of all the information, we can better understand what is happening and make the right decisions.

  • Identify 2-3 reliable sources of information
  • Designate a specific time of day to consume that information through news, social media, radio, etc.
  • Limit the amount of time you are consuming that information
  • Stick to your schedule and don’t overwhelm yourself by checking more than you have designated

Practice Self Care

Recognize Your Window of Tolerance

The window of tolerance is where you are in a balanced and calm state of mind. This is where you can function most effectively and respond to the demands and stress of everyday life without much difficulty.

Undue stress and anxiety can cause you to leave your window of tolerance or dysregulate where

Get Your Daily DOSE of Happiness

When you feel good, your brain is releasing one of the happiness chemicals. There are four happiness chemicals, which are known as DOSE:

  1. Dopamine: motivation, learning, and pleasure
  2. Oxytocin: feeling of trust, motivates you to build and sustain relationships
  3. Serotonin: feeling significant or important
  4. Endorphin: brief euphoria that masks physical pain

Build Resilience

  • Focus on what you can control and accept what is out of your control
  • Embrace change by taking a flexible approach and looking at the opportunities
  • Maintain a positive attitude by embracing both positives and negatives in any situation
  • Connecting with others to share feelings, discuss problems, and support each other

Self-Care Activities

  • Connect with others digitally such as a phone call, video calling, or texting
  • Stay active by doing indoor exercises such as body workouts, using stairs, treadmill, or indoor bike
  • Read a book
  • Write a journal entry
  • Watch a movie or tv show
  • Learn a new hobby such as cooking, painting, crafts
  • Take an online course and learn a new skill
  • Play board games or video games with friends and family
  • Eat healthy by choosing more fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water
  • Keep a regular daily routine as much as possible
  • Unwind by doing breathing exercises or meditation
  • Get proper rest and sleep
  • Avoid substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

The pandemic can cause a lot of stress and anxiety because it disrupts normal life for many people. Here are some ways to relieve stress and anxiety.

Dealing with Worries and Anxious Thoughts

Worries and anxious thoughts can leave you overwhelmed, fatigued, and unproductive. Work through your worries and anxious thoughts by questioning them.

Questioning the worry will help you understand that your worries and anxious thoughts are mostly unrealistic. Learn how to question your worries and anxious thoughts.

Challenge Negatives Thoughts

All the stress and anxiety can create negativity which leads to distorted thought patterns such as polarized thinking, overgeneralization, or even catastrophizing.